Saturday, 23 September 2017

Top 10 Dangerous Hackers of The World

Top 10 Dangerous Hackers of The World

Hacker is a person who uses computers to get illegal access to data. Hacking is not a crime unless and until you do it for illegal activities. Stealing data and hacking into networks are not the only things that hacker does. So, we have mentioned some world’s most dangerous hackers below.

Today hackers have the potential to affect the systems in numerous ways and techniques. As you may be aware about various hacking groups like Anonymous which are launching DDoS attacks on various banks. Hackers are exploiting vulnerabilities to steal sensitive information or data of an organisation. After stealing the data, a hacker can even sell the stolen data on the dark web. Infact, today ransomwares are widely adopted by the hackers. Ransomware is a sort of malware that blocks or restricts the users from accessing their devices.

Top 10 Dangerous Hackers of The World

#10. Gary McKinnon

Gary McKinnon
Gary McKinnon
He was a computer systems administrator but was unemployed. In 2001, he started accessing computers systems which reportedly belonged to the US military. After acquiring access to the computers, he deleted some vital files from the computers. According to US government, McKinnon had caused damages worth thousands of dollars, as he damaged the systems that controlled missiles. The officials claimed that this was the biggest attack attack on computer systems in U.S by a sole person.

#9. Michael Bevan and Richard Pryce

Michael Bevan and Richard Pryce
Michael Bevan and Richard Pryce
These boys were of British origin and in 1996, the duo began to access computers illegally belonging to US Air Force, NASA & NATO. The duo were responsible for huge damage to the systems as files were moved and deleted. Surprisingly, the duo also broke into a research facility in Korea and ditched the information regarding nuclear programs into USAF while they were moving the files, it could have resulted in the war between North Korea and US but data was also stolen from South Korea as they would have blamed US and would have carried attacks against U.S.

#8. Kevin Mitnick

Kevin Mitnick
Kevin Mitnick
He was the one of the popular hacker of all time. Kevin broke into various computer systems and servers in several years. He mostly broke into systems of telephone and computer companies, and he would copy sensitive data and modify it within computer servers. Kevin also hacked email accounts by stealing passwords, by doing this he was able to read emails, and he became a most wanted criminal in the US before he was arrested in 1995. Initially, he was a most wanted hacker and now he works in the security firm where he helps websites and organisations to secure from hacking attempts.

#7. Vladimir Levin

Vladimir Levin
Vladimir Levin
Since many hackers attack systems of military or other computers to discover sensitive data or for another purpose. In 1994, Levin did same as he as he acquired access to Citibank network in which was able to steal $10 million from the stolen accounts. Levin hailed from Russia, and he was arrested in the UK and he was deported to the US where he was put behind the bars for three years. In the meantime, Citibank bank managed to retrieve $400,000 of the stolen amount.

$6. Michael Calce

Michael Calce
Michael Calce
Calce is well known by the name MafiaBoy. He was a high school student in Quebec Canada. Calce was able to break into some popular websites in the year 2000. In a sequence of DDoS attacks, he was able to attack noted websites like Yahoo, FIFA, Dell, Amazon, eBay and CNN for about several hours and caused damage to their systems. Prosecutors claim that the damage to systems was about $7 million, however, analysts approximate the attacks would have caused damages of about $1 billion in global economic damages.

#5. Jeanson James Ancheta

Jeanson James Ancheta
Jeanson James Ancheta
Regular hacking attacks include breaking into computers to use them for different illegal purposes which are known as a botnet. Similarly, Ancheta managed to confiscate about 500,000 machines. Later he was detained in an operation by FBI, and he was put behind the bars for five years.

#4. Adrian Lamo

Adrian Lamo
Adrian Lamo
Adrian Lamo carried out hacking from Internet Cafes, Libraries or coffee shops and was a mobile hacker. However, he did it for his entertainment or to summon anyone. He used to hack into a computer system and then notify the admin of the network about the vulnerability in his/her system. He claimed to be an expert by after attaching his name to the database of the “New York Times.” He was also held responsible for leaking government to Wikileaks. He was later arrested in the year 2003.

#3. Owen Walker

 Owen Walker
Owen Walker
He is commonly known as AKILL, Walker was a very talented hacker who carried numerous attacks on various websites and computer systems in several years. Moreover, he was also held responsible for developing the Akbot virus, as this virus permitted him to acquire control of about million of computers across the world to use them to carry attacks. Experts claim that this virus caused damages of about $26 million.

#2. Albert Gonzalez

Albert Gonzalez
Albert Gonzalez
Albert was born in Cuba and he was blamed for the largest theft of credit card and ATM numbers from 2005 – 2007. According to authorities, Albert stole card details from more than 170 million persons after injecting code into computer systems which he had accessed. After getting access to the data illegally, Albert carried transactions and withdraw money from the targeted accounts. He caused damages of more than $200 million which include theft of cash and damage to computer systems.

#1. Astra

The ASTRA is not the real name of the hacker, as his real name has not been yet released. However, Greek police hinted that he was a 58-year-old mathematician living in Athens Greece. Since 2002, he was responsible for various computer attacks and he further came to light after he broke into systems of Dassault which is a French Military organisation. After breaking into the systems of Dassault, Astra man sold the censorious details on aircrafts, weapons to other persons. According to prosecutors, Astra man had caused damages of more than $360 million.

So, this is the list of dangerous hackers of the world. If you have something more to add, you are welcomed to mention it in the comment section below.

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Thursday, 21 September 2017

How To Hide Your Secret Files Inside An Image

How To Hide Your Secret Files Inside An Image

Today we are going to share some of the amazing computer trick with you which is related to your Windows computer, the trick is really amazing and a bit prank with your friends if you want to.

In this tutorial we are going to create an image file which will look like simple image but when you right click on it and select open as WinRAR Archiver then you will be able to see many files which are hidden within the image and no one can understand that how amazingly you are hiding these files in images.
So should we start? before the start, I must conclude one thing, and that is, you may not understand the whole steps so if you are stuck in any one of these steps then feel free to ask using below comment box.
Note: Please Do as what we are showing by images, do not go for another location or drives. Use only C drive as we are using, later on, you can use any drive after getting understood.

Go through the images too!
Steps to hide your secret files inside any Image!
Step1. At first from the desktop create a folder, name it CodingSec and then put some files. (For Example; put three music files)
Step2. Now suppose if you selected any three then compress those three files using WinRAR(see image). Once you created a RAR file name it as CodingSec.
Create RAR File
Create RAR File
Step3. Now just put one image as I had done, name it as Logo.jpg (file must be in JPG format). That’s it all done! Exit from that Folder.
Step4. Now Open CMD as Command Prompt from Start Type CMD hit enter. Now start typing as below listed, see image also for better understanding.
Type1: cd Desktop\CodingSec
Type2: copy /b Logo.jpg + CodingSec.rar Logo.jpg
Hit Enter
Type3: exit
Follow CMD Steps
Follow CMD Steps
You just created an image file that contains all the three files but not visible to anyone until and unless you open that image file using WinRAR Archiver.
Right Click On The Image And Open It As WinRAR Archiver
Right Click On The Image And Open It As WinRAR Archiver
If you don’t see your WinRAR Archiver then Choose Default Programs and Browse it to the Bottom of the Windows you can see WinRAR and from there double click to make that enable and open from that file.
Now you can see that your Image file size is increased (See Image).
See Those files as selected to Hide
See Those files as selected to Hide
Note: The Image file as Logo, you can move that file to any location of the computer.
Still have doubt? Ask us! ;)

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Tuesday, 19 September 2017

11 Best Free android apps to learn hacking from mobile

11 Best Free android apps to learn hacking from mobile

In this article we are going to discuss about Learning Hacking over the Mobile.

80% of the users in the internet come from mobile hence we stay with our mobiles most of the time rather than the Desktop hence it is good to know the mobile apps that will help you sharpen skill in your hacking.

Here are some best free apps to get some knowledge of the hacking

Hacking Tutorials 2.0

If you are a beginner who wants to gain a toehold in demystifying world of hacking, this hacking tutorial apps is the best way for you as it offers knowhow including the easiest way to perform hacking and enabling the protection of your device.

Hacking Tutorials

This is one of most informative Android hacking tutorials that explain almost all hacking techniques and practical applications; although the main intention of the creator of this application is education and protection

Hacking Knowledge

An awesome app that offers comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge regarding computer hacking. Not only it enables broadening of knowledge, but also helps with the diagnosing any computer issue.

Computer Tricks Guide

Improve your technical life with smart and cool tips and hacking tricks. Learn a new trick regularly and astound your friends.

Hack Hackers

This is an extraordinary tutorial which offers you extensive knowledge regarding hacking techniques such as securing pen drives, WiFi addresses or Wireless routers.

Become Hacker

For becoming an ethical hacker, you need to understand the tricks of black hat hackers. This is among the best hacking tutorial apps for utilizing black hat methods.

Hacking Knowledge

It is a fact that hacking of any computer requires a comprehensive knowledge of multiple topics. Learning computer hacking not only offers a new career path but also enables the user to diagnose and correct computer issues, both of which is provided by this application.


Use this application to learn hacking android apps, and get comprehensive information regarding the phishing, footprinting, batch file viruses, and worms.

Hackers Reference

An excellent reference point for both pro and newbies, this application offers information regarding terms and their use in a hacking universe such as, difference between hex and binary.

WhiteHat Hacking Tutorials

A community-based effort, this hacking tutorial covers various tips and techniques that can be used to become a security professional and covers a vast range of topics such as hacking basics to security management techniques.

Hackers HandBook

This is one of the best android hacking tutorials with active participation technique that enables you to master hacking skills easily. It is best for beginners who want to learn advanced hacking techniques.
Take your time to comment on this article.

Friday, 15 September 2017

10 best Apps not available on Play Store and link to download them

10 best Android Apps which you should have on your smartphone but are not available on Google Play

As you may already know, there are more than a million Android apps on Google Play which fulfill  your different needs. But there are some great apps which you should have on your Android smartphone because they are not available on Google Play. The reasons for this are various, prominent among them is that most of them violate Google’s terms. If you are one of those who loves to experiment,  you can always grab APK files for these Apps and install them on your smartphone.

These apps are easy to install, so long as you know where to find them. Remember that in most cases you won’t be alerted when they are updated, so it’s a good idea to check back with the download location from time to time to ensure you’re always running the latest version. Also to install these APKs on your Android smartphone/tablet, be sure to enable Install from Unknown Sources from Settings.

#1 VideoMix

15 Amazing Android Apps You Wouldn’t Find on Google Play Store

This is the best App that will let you stream videos, TV shows and lots more for free of cost. Also, there will be no need to sign up or register in this App, just open the app search for your favorite movies and start streaming.

#2 Blackmart Alpha

15 Amazing Android Apps You Wouldn’t Find on Google Play Store
Blackmart Alpha is known as the most popular alternative to Google Play Store. Blackmart Alpha is well known its black market store which will offer you a host of cool apps for free of cost. Those Apps that are normally paid Apps on Google Play are available for free on Blackmart Alpha.

#3 Lucky Patcher [root]

15 Amazing Android Apps You Wouldn’t Find on Google Play Store
Lucky Patcher is an App that allows you to modify other Android apps in various ways. You’ll need a rooted device to harness all the features of Lucky Patcher. You can run several actions with this App such as removing license verification for premium apps, modifying APK files, and backing up/restoring apps. It’s better to make a full backup of your Apps and data before using this App as it can possibly lead to loss of data.

TubeMate is a very popular YouTube downloader app which is obviously not allowed on the Play Store due to Google restrictions. It also supports downloading video from other websites such as Facebook, Vimeo, and DailyMotion among others. While the interface is a little clunky and riddled with ads, it works very well for what it’s worth and allows you to download videos in a variety of formats and resolutions.
You are advised to download the APK for Tubemate only for the above link, as there are a lot of fake, infected TubeMate APKs available online. Another alternative to TubeMate is Videoder which has an attractive interface but slower download speeds.


MiXPlorer is one of the best Android file managers out there with a very neat user interface and plenty of features that should appeal to both casual and power users alike. For one, it offers tab support and a dual panel mode on big screens which helps if you’re working with several folders at once. You can also access your cloud files with up to seventeen services to select from including all the popular ones such as Google Drive, Dropbox, MEGA, andOnedrive.
MiXPlorer also supports root access for advanced operations, advanced search functions, and a very customisable user interface. Overall, it’s a very well-rounded file manager you can get for free that doesn’t have ads.


F-droid is the market for free and open-source Android software. Downloading the F-droid client makes it easy for you to search for and install open-source apps, and it also helps you keep track of updates on your device. It’s highly recommended for open-source enthusiasts.

#8 Amazon App Store

15 Amazing Android Apps You Wouldn’t Find on Google Play Store

The giant shopping network has their own App store where you can find a huge collection of free apps that you may not get in the Google Play store that is why it is also known as the best alternative to Google Play Store. You can also download Amazon Underground from Amazon App store. This app gives you all the usual shopping features along with access to the Amazon Appstore. More importantly, it includes Underground Apps, a selection of $20,000 worth of apps, games, and in-app purchases available for free.

Popcorn Time allows you to watch movies and TV Shows on your Android device either by streaming or downloading to watch offline. There are literally thousands of high-quality movies here, and you can either search for specific titles or browse the available collections.

Installing a custom ROM is one way to modify your Android device, but you don’t really need to do so if you just want to modify a few things here and there. The XPosed Framework allows you to modify your existing system without going through the hassle of installing a custom ROM. It is for root-level users only, and there is a wide range of mods and tweaks that can be applied to your device, but be careful. Do backup your data before using the Xposed Framework or its components.

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