Saturday, 29 July 2017

How to accept all friend request at one click

How to accept all friend request in just one click

1- Open your facebook account in any browser.
2- Redirect to the Facebook home page and visit to  this link: 
3- After visiting to this link you need to paste the following code in the URL box

CODE-   javascript:for( i = 1;i<document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]").length;i++)

4- After pasting this code just hit the Enter button 

Your request will be accepeted

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

How do hackers crack your passwords

Here are the 10 methods by which you can hack someone account and these are the same methods used by hackers

Putting up a good and long password is advised by cyber security however cyber security doesn’t teach us how to identify the hacker hacking into your computer. It doesn’t matter how strong you are creating passwords, there is always be an option for hackers to crack your passwords.

The hackers nowadays have been creating well-developed algorithms, which can speed up the processes to discover your password codes. So if you are one of them who thought that putting up a tough password is a secure way to stay away from hacker then this article is just for you. Today we will discuss some password cracking techniques used by hackers to hack into our account.

Top 10 Password Cracking Techniques Used By Hackers

#10 Guessing

Here hackers can try guessing your passwords, they can even try to guess your security answer. In short, hackers can try to guess everything to break your security and hack your account. However, thanks to two-steps and login code alert this type of techniques are usually a failure nowadays.

But does your page, network or computer is vulnerable?

Even if you use all possible security systems, it is sure that there is, at least, a loophole that can be exploited. The best way to protect yourself is still acting sparingly and carefully. On the internet, often things are not what they appear to be, and attention is always an important and very effective way to avoid more serious problems.

#9 Social Engineering

Social engineering is an attack which relies heavily on human interaction and often involves tricking people into breaking normal security procedures. Hackers can try different tricks to break into normal security procedures.

#8 Offline Cracking

Mostly password hacking takes place offline usually data is obtained from a compromised system. A hacker can test the validity of password attempts. Offline password attacks include dictionary attacks and rainbow table attacks.

#7 Rainbow Table Attack

Rainbow Table is usually a large dictionary which contains loads of pre-calculated hashes and the passwords from which they were calculated. The major difference between Rainbow and other dictionary attacks are Rainbow table are specially optimized for hashes and passwords.

#6 Port Scan Attack

This is a technique often used to find weaknesses on a given server. It is normally used by those who are responsible for security to find vulnerabilities in the system. Port Scan Attack is used to send a message to a port and wait for a response and the received data from the open port is an invitation for hackers to hack into your server.

#5 Shoulder Surfing

Shoulder surfing is the practice of spying on the user of a cash-dispensing machine or another electronic device in order to obtain their personal identification number, password, etc. It is mostly found in the eye-catching notes stuck in front of your LCD monitor which keep asking you to login into them.

#4 Trojans, Viruses, And Other Malware

These programs are usually developed by hackers for the sole purpose of generating the target destruction. Viruses and worms are usually added to a user’s system so that they can make the full use of a machine or a network as a whole, and are usually spread by email or either it is hidden in any applications.

#3 Phishing

Phishing is the easiest method used by hackers. It does nothing, it simply ask users for their passwords but the process of asking password is unique and different, Hackers used to create the fake page, fake emails, fake apps etc. It simply asks you to log in with your Id and password and once you have entered the details, your details are transferred into hacker’s server.

#2 Brute Force Attack

The main motto of Brute force attack is to crack passwords. It will try its level best and try every possible combination until the password is found. But nowadays, people are smarter, so the growing size of passwords is making Brute Force attack difficult to crack any password. It is much similar to Dictionary attack it is something like the upgraded version of Dictionary attack.

#1 Dictionary Attack

Dictionary attack is a technique used by most of the regular hackers to determine the passphrase by trying their luck many times. Unlike its name, it works like a dictionary it is just a simple file which contains some unusual words that many people use as their password it is one of the easy ways to hack into anyone’s account. But putting up a tough password can beat this attack.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Airtel Unlimited Internet trick UC handler ~~Proof Added~~

Airtel Unlimited Internet trick UC handler ~~Proof Added~~

Hlo guys 

Airtel UC handler is the another method to access the free internet on airtel. If you are Airtel user then this free internet trick is working well for downloading and surfing the free internet on the Airtel.

Airtel is the fastest internet service provider network in India and Airtel is famous for its services. Using this method you can access the free internet like our previous shared trick by Droid VPN to access free internet. But before I tell the steps of airtel UC handler free internet trick. I want to tell you something about this trick.
  • This Airtel UC handler trick is used to access for free internet and it is not officially announced anywhere.
  • It is working all the states of India.
  • This is UC handler trick is best for surfing free internet

 Things necessary to run Airtel UC Handler Trick

Airtel UC Handler Free Internet Trick

If you have airtel sim you will easily able to access the free internet via Airtel UC Handler Free Internet Trick. Keep in mind few thing before use the free internet trick.

  • Make sure your sim account balance is zero.
  • This UC handler trick is not announced officially anywhere.
  • It provides 3G speed internet.

Follow the Steps to use Airtel UC Handler Free Internet Trick

  • First of all Goto the link and Download Airtel UC Handler.Apk file. It is only for android mobile users.
  • After successfully Download, the app install it on your mobile. Uc handler app icon will look like as UC browser on your mobile menu screen.
  • Now open the app, after open the app some setting will display you like the below image.

  • Now swipe down and go to Proxy type option.
  • Now select Real Host like demo image.

  • Below “Custom header option “Proxy Server Option.
  • Enter  on Proxy server setting.
  • Now Save all settings and surf free internet.

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Best way to search on google...You must know

10 ways to search on Google...

Life is so cool now! Assignments in minutes and winning a debate in seconds has become possible because of the advancement in technology as any piece of information is just a click away. But it can be a lot of harassment if we get confused or don’t get the exact piece of information that we want and may end up wasting our time.
So, here are a few tricks which can help you get the exact information in few minutes.


If you are not sure about the correctness of the word or are confused by a few words, then the word “ OR” is your savior. Write down the potential variations and use the word
“OR”. All the possible results will be displayed and you can select your desirable result.


Another way to help yourself get the correct information is using synonyms. You can also use ~ in your keyword to get information on a particular subject. It will help you get all the related information on that particular subject.


Searching within sites is another trick that helps you get your desired information every time. All you need to do is just use the best site by typing in its address and along with it the topic on which you want the information for. This will help you get the information.


Using ASTERISK is another great way to help Google get the desired information fast. In case you don’t really remember the whole phrase or Google tends to get confused, just use this symbol with the phrase. You will definitely feel satisfied with the results and our advice.


Sometimes we forget a few words of the phrase which we want to Google and are left with a few stupid results not matching our desired search. So, to save yourself from the situation, just write the first few words and last few words and add AROUND(+) in between them. (+) Here write the number of words missing and you will have your results displayed


Yes! Using time frames will surely save your time and energy. If you want to know about some important historical event , just use time frames by using three dots in between the years ( eg 1453…1815).


If you are not being able to find the keywords or title of an article, this trick might help you. Using the word “intitle” before your query will lead you to a lot of results related to your topic. Same can be done if you want to find keywords from a URL, by typing “inurl” .


Many a times, we like something so much that we want to search similar things. In such a case, all you need to do is use the word “related” before the site address you liked and results related to it will be displayed.


Typing the phrase exactly the way it is the best way to get the desired information. So, write the phrase in between the quotations and chances are Google will please you the most. If quotations are not used, Google will display each and every site where the words are used and then it is only your luck that might help you.


Many a times, we are left with undesirable results because Google displays unimportant ad results which only confuse us more. For example, if you want to know about the best historical place, Google tends to show you sites also about holiday plans to visit there. In such a case, just type “best historical places” followed by a – visit.