Friday, 9 December 2016

Top 5 sites to download movies with jio

Hlo guys
here are some of the websites that will provide you the best speed if you are using jio

How to increase jio speed

Top 5 best movies site to download 


  It is the best movies site to download old and new movies 
sometimes it doesnt work due to very high traffic and servers stops responding


It is also good site 
it provides a good speed but 720p movies are linked to uptobox by which we can face a problem to downlaod 


It is also a very good site 
it will provide movies in hd format 
but it will take 3-4 day for a movie to show on their site after releasing


it is one of the best site available today
it contains many aids so there will be a little problem to download


if you want the movie earlier so you can go with sdmoviepoint 
it will not provide you in hd format but it will give u a very high speed

so guys we recommend you to download at night to experience maximum speed

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