Sunday, 5 February 2017

Airtel vs JIO Airtel may take a step ahead

Hlo guys

We  all are aware of the craze of jio
but what about airte,vodafone and idea which are competing jio with some superb offers

Latest offers from airtel  in terms of calling

1-Unlimited calls from airtel to airtel
2-25p/min for other operators 

Latest and best offer in terms of internet 

Airtel just launched a new plan which includes 3gb  3g/4g data per month until dec 2017

So the question rises up that how we can awail this

There are two methods to use this

1- if you purchase a new mobile phone So you have to tell airtel before 28th feb that i have purchaed a new mobile phone 

so airtel will provide you with a new connection  of airtel which includes 3gb 3g/4g data per month till dec 2017

2-The second option is that 
you have to port in your other operator sim card into airtel 
by doing so airtel will provide you with the same offer which lasts till dec 2017

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